Free Lunch
There is no such thing as a free lunch. You want something, you have to pay for it. The ideas of welfare and government subsidizing are very detrimental to our society. We have thousands upon thousands, especially in the midwest, who sit on their butts all day, doing nothing, and expecting the government to take care of everything. That they are entitled to a free lunch because something bad happened to the thirty years ago. We have entire fields being tilled under. Precious food material going to waste, because it will drive costs up. And the government is telling them that it is ok by subsidizing the whole process. The time for a free lunch is over. You want something? You are going to go out and earn it! As Evil Overlord, why should I give of my wealth and power to someone who is not helping to maintain or build my power and control? If anything, I would rather have them shot so that they are no longer a drain on resources. To show that I am not completely heartless, I will grant these sanctions. Any person who is able to get to the age of sixty, will be taken care of by the government, under the conditions that they actively volunteer at schools, community service, parks, hospitals, orphanages, etc. Yes, they are retired, but that is no reason why they should abandon society, and their duties to society. Keep them active and benefitting those younger than them. Those who are truly invalid, those with alzhimers disease, etc, will be taken care of. They will be provided with a warm and caring living environment, and made as comfortable as possible. Anyone discovered abusing the past two groups, will be shot. Those who are handicapped in any way, will also be required to work to the best of their abilities. This will have to be judged on a case by case basis because of the nature of the potential ailments. Finally those who are capable of working, who have no job and not from lack of trying, will be taken care of while they obtain schooling to make them more desirable in the workplace. All able to work in the household, must work and help contribute to the family needs. By following this method, we insure that the resources of the empire are not bled dry, that the capable workforce is doing everything possible to support the empire, and those who are truly incapable of work, and/or taking care of themselves will be provided for.
The question may come up, if I am the Evil Overlord, why would I even care about taking care of the elderly and the invalids? To be honest, I do not. I would rather they were all elliminated. My subjects, however, do care for them. They are family. It is cheaper in resources to keep them happy by providing for their ailing family members, then it is fighting them and punishing them for going against the system, and for possible revolts and rioting. After all, it is all about the bottom line, and how much power I have, at the end of the day.